Medium: Acrylic Gouache

Date: March 16, 2019

Dimensions: 4”x 6”


Inspired by change, flow, integration and transformation.

There is an inner fire within all of us, our passions, desires, beliefs and actions either keep the fire burning or start to snuff it out depending on resonance to our individual truths.

Even with just a spark we can reignite our soul, our path towards happiness and the souls desire for unconditional love. It is never too late to step onto the path back to our highest and greatest versions of the self that can be accomplished in human form.

It is important to remember that there is no such thing as a perfect human, that we are all doing our best. Your best is good enough, you are good enough. Be gentle with yourself. You deserve the compassion, understanding and love that you seek. Otherwise, you would not be seeing this heart centered reminder. It first begins with you providing that for yourself, and from there it will only surround you. Be the ignition that your soul needs and keep moving forward wirh grace.


Follow the Wave(2022)


Dragon Song(2023)