Unicorn Magic

Medium: Acrylic Gouache

Date: December 19, 2021

Dimensions: 4”x 4”

The inspiration for this piece revolved around emotions and breaking free from the grip from society's expectations.

The best thing that we can do for ourselves when we aren't feeling our best is to allow ourselves to feel what we are feeling. It may be uncomfortable or painful, but there's a reason that it's coming up. When we acknowledge how we feel, we are giving ourselves that love that we didn't receive in the past. You are worthy of receiving that and giving yourself that love. So much healing happens when we feel instead of pushing it away, shoving it off, or denying it.

There is this programming created by society that we have to be feeling good all the time, and if we aren't there is something wrong with us. That we can't be vulnerable? That we need fixing.... But that's not true, being told that we need to be fixed gives us this misguided idea that we are broken. Being vulnerable is a strength! We have just been needing healing, acknowledgement for our emotions and there's nothing wrong with that.

It's not selfish to express emotion, to have needs, and to not settle for anything less than what meets the unconditional love that we all deserve. It's okay to choose you.

Get to know your shadow self, love them, praise them, and allow that balance within you. They are nothing to fear, you are nothing to fear. You are complete as you are


Dragon Song(2023)

